Sunday, May 17, 2009

Some grocery items we could use!

Hello. I think it sounds silly, but maybe you guys wanna chip in some bucks for some of the stuff I think we can use?

First up is the typical Julies biscuits that I keep buying at $1.05. Anyone wanna pair for pairs at $2.10? Lasts up to a day or two.

Second is Glade scented gels. Preferably lemon, though you can actually choose the scent you want if you intend to have 1 at your table. Based on my experience, I think the radius of effect can stretch across two tables in our art room. So its best not to have 1 per table, otherwise it'll be a nasal headache... Well, just name what scent you want in the tag. Its $2.90, lasts about 2 months, and more in an aircon room. Definitely more effective than the musks that we use...

Third is probably a hand vacuum cleaner, a must for eraser debris and pencil sharpener spillages. I haven't really checked the price of it yet. But who's interested in buying one? :D It'll last depending on the hand that uses it.

Last but not least... Who's interested in a mini cooler? I think all it takes is just the 19 of us (plus Mr Tang) paying 10 bucks each (or more), and we can make a very useful and nearly permanent addition to the pantry.......... And an extra $5 for a padlock/combi lock.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A new author to inject some... stuff. o:

It's been forever since I've last used the Blogger console. It's really nostalgic, but oh well.

..... ok.

Anyways, I don't really know how to inject life back in this dead blog.
I'll try.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Art Writing Workshop

This concerns all J1 and J2 (especially J2) art students:

The Substation is having an Artwriting Workshop coming up this June holiday (details can be found in the link below):

Please do check it out. VJC Arts Committee can subsidise 50% of the cost of this workshop (i.e. $40). I need to know if you are interested to attend. Please SMS me (Ian) @ 9435 5142 stating your full name, i/c number and class so that I can pass the info to Mr Tang to get you registered.

Please inform me by Thurs 7th May if interested. Thanks!