Sunday, December 7, 2008


yo! Adlin here, finally able to update you guys.

phew, okay. for the past few weeks, we've been busy coming up with the designs for the toilets. and they were approved last week. That means, we've gotten the green light from Mr. Chan to carry on with our project :)

So, we're gonna order the paint this week, and getting it delivered so we can start painting immediately. This week, we'll be painting the 6 T-Block toilets. They will be solid colours, based on the house colours to help tie in zaki's designs. I hope we'll be able to complete this in one day.
So keep your tuesday (9th December) and wednesday (10th December) mornings free guys! :)
Ian will be in-charge of manpower for this day, so inform him if you're coming.
The more the merrier :D but not too much tho heh

During this coming week, we'll also be starting the sketching on the library toilets so we can just come in the following week to start painting. I was thinking one person in-charge on one cubicle door, and two people do the ceiling designs. That means, we need 8 people for each toilet.

I know most of you guys are really busy, with trainings, overseas trips, camps, and god knows what. so we'll try to do everything in the morning, starting at 8 am. I know it's a little early. But early start, early end eh!

Once the timetable is printed, I will stick it up outside all the toilets for your convenience. So you can look and see what days you can come. I hope everybody will chip in for this man.
and remember, you'll be awarded CIP for this hit so incentive, yo!
and we've been working really hard on this, and Mr Chan and other teachers have really high hopes on what this will turn out to be like so FULL ON GUYS! we've gotta do this, and we gotta do this good! :D

i can't believe this is actually happening. god, after months of wishful thinking.

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